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List Of Words Based On Root Phil, Philo, Phile, and Philia In Hindi

Root Phil, Philo, Phile, and Philia एक Greek verb से आया है जिसका अर्थ है “Love”

Root word "Phil,Philo,Phile,Philia
Root Phil, Philo, Phile, and Philia

xenophile (n) – (जो विदेशी लोगों या उनकी रीति-रिवाजों से आकर्षित होता है)a person who is attracted to foreign peoples or their cultures and customs.

  • Priya is such a xenophile who is always excited and loves being in company with foreigners.


philosophy (n) – (ज्ञान का प्यार ; जीवन, मृत्यु, अर्थ, वास्तविकता और सत्य जैसे मूलभूत मामलों के बारे में ज्ञान की खोज)

  • It has always been a philosophy of my life that difficulties are overcome when faced with courage.


philosopher (n) – lover of wisdom(ज्ञान का प्रेमी)

The way he delivered the speech, He seems to be a philosopher.


philosophic (adj) – (शांत और बुद्धिमान; उचित, विचारशील)calm and wise; reasonable, thoughtful

syno: philosophical

  • Everybody likes her it’s not because she has got a mesmerizing face but she always holds a philosophic attitude.


philanthropy (n) – (लोक-कल्याण की भावना) love of mankind

nobody can forget those philanthropists for their philanthropy that was seen during the pandemic.


philanthropist (n) – (मानव जाति का प्रेमी; अच्छे कार्य करने वाला) lover of mankind; doer of good


you’re reading: Root Phil, Philo, Phile, and Philia


Philanthropically (adv) – (परोपकारी रूप से) in a philanthropic manner

  • He lives in such a benevolent society where people help one another in a philanthropical manner.


Philogamy – love for marriage.

  • My friends’ philogamy can be noticed conspicuously when they attend someone’s marriage.


philogyny (n) – love, respect, fondness, or admiration for women

  • We have been taught philogyny since our birth in Indian culture.(हमें भारतीय संस्कृति में जन्म के बाद से ही महिलाओं के प्रती सम्मान रखना सिखाया जाता है।)


gynephilia (n) – (महिलाओं के प्रती sexual attraction) sexual attraction to females.

  • He is a person who can adjust with a girl or an androgynous guy because he’s gynephile and also suffering from gynephilia.


Androphilia (n) – sexual attraction to men or masculinity

  • androphilia is the opposite of gynephilia and a person who suffers from androphilia is androphile.


androphilic (adj) – sexually attracted to men.

  • Her androphilic behaviour can provoke anyone sexually.


androphile (n) – one who loves males or masculinity especially the love which is between gay men to men.

  • She always loves being in the company of males that’s why her friends call her androphile.


gynephile (n) – a person who sexually attracted to women.

  • Can you just believe bro that he has 10 girlfriends, really, he’s gynephile?


philogyny (fi-LOJ-ah-nee) – love (respect) good women; fondness for women; uxoriousness.


Philogynist (philos + gynē) (n) – one who loves (respect) women

  • people share good things about women on their WhatsApp status so as to be called philogynists.


Philadelphia – city of brotherly love

  • Those people, who have grown up in Philadelphia, will respect you more than those of anywhere else.


androgynous – having features of both sexes; suitable for both male and female.

  • Have you ever noticed to makeup artists that most of them are androgynous?


Philadelphy (n) – Love for all men as brothers

  • I don’t think that there is Philadelphy left in people. They can kill even their relatives just for a little money.


philately (n) – love for the collection and study of postage stamps.

  • I know a guy who has been a philatelist in his childhood.

philatelic (adj); philatelist (n); philatelical (adj); Philatelically (adv)


philately – love for the collection and study of postage stamps.


philatelist – one who collects stamps


philogeant – A lover of all good things

  • one must be a philogeant.


you’re reading: Root Phil, Philo, Phile, and Philia


philology – study (love) of language and literature; scientific study of the development of any language.

philologist – a lover of studying language and literature

  • If you want to be a philologist then you’ve to study philogyny.


philhellene – a lover of Greece and Greek culture

  • Greek culture has given a lot of things that have made our life simpler this is why I’m also one of the philhellenes.


philharmonic (adj); philhellenism (abst. N)


philanderer; casanova (Andr:- male) – a person who has multiple sexual relationships with multiple women; one who engages in love affairs lightly or insincerely


philomath – a lover of learning; a scholar.

  • my grandmother is 80 years old still loves reading. She is a true philomath.


philter – a love charm or potion

e.g. After drinking the philter he seems a bit more energetic.


potion – A liquid for drinking with healing property, especially a medicinal, magic, or poisonous drink


philodox (dox:- idea/opinion)– one who never listen to others except for his own ideas

  • making understand the moron is just like casting pearls before swine since they’re philodox.(मूर्खों को समझाना जेसे भेंस के आगे बीन बजाना है क्योंकि वो किसी और की कभी नहीं सुनते।)


Philodoxy – love of opinion.

  • Do not ever try to correct his mistakes he would never admit that due to his philodoxy.


philotheism (Thei:-God) – Love of God

philotherian philotheia


philodemic – loving people; love for people


bibliophile – a lover of books


pluviophile (pluvio:- rain) – one who loves rainfall.


hippophile (hippos:- horse) – one who loves horses; liver of horses


Anglophile (Anglo: English) – A person who has great admiration or fondness for England and its people; love for English


paedophile (paed:- child); paedophilic (n) – someone who is sexually interested in children. (“G: paidos-child, plus phile-love”). ; sb who does sexual advise to a Child


logophile (logo or log meaning word) – A lover of words: noun


demophile – one who loves people or crowds


androphile (andr:-male)  (n) – a person fond of or attracted to men. (“Andros-man, plus phile-love”). men to men


gynephile (GYN) :- women/females or wife) – love of women ( women to women)


astrophile (astro:-star) – Lover of astronomy; one who loves 🌟.

  • Astrophilles feel euphoric happiness when they land on the planet.


necrophile (necro-, necr-, necron-, -necrosis, nekro – meaning Dead) -One devoted to dead bodies; one who feels sexually attracted towards dead bodies.

  • I can’t forget the movie in which the villain was seen digging up the buried corpses and raping them. He was such a ****ing necrophile.


foodophile (n) – lover of food

  • The girl, living next door, is a foodophile.


Neophile ((neo:-new) – one who loves novelty and trends; new + lover of.

  • Actors who belong to the film industry are neophile.


cinephile (cine- = motion picture) – a person who is fond of motion pictures

  • I used to be a cinephile when I a kid, but as I grew up, have lost my interest.


philematology (n) – the scientific study of kissing

  • I wish I would learn philematology.


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