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100+ Daily Use Vocabulary for Health

Today, We’ll learn 100+ Daily Use Vocabulary for Health which will help you to improve your communication and  personality.

also read: Body parts specialists


100+ Daily Use Vocabulary for Health


Let’s begin

100+ Daily Use Vocabulary for Health

Fever –

English meaning: Abnormal rise in the temperature
Hindi meaning: बुखार


Headache –

English meaning: pain in the head
Hindi meaning: सिरदर्द


Nosebleed –

English meaning: bleeding from the nose
Hindi meaning: नकसीर (नाक से खून का बहना।)


Cough –

English meaning: a kinda sudden expulsion of air noise from your lungs
Hindi meaning: खाँसी


Sneeze –

English meaning: to blow air involuntarily by the nose
Hindi meaning: छींक


Asthma –

English meaning: a kinda respiratory disease in which one starts taking a sudden loud breath with mouth open
Hindi meaning: दमा


Inhaler –

English meaning: a device that helps to prevent asthma
Hindi meaning: साँस लेनेवाला


Cramps –

English meaning: painful muscle spasms
Hindi meaning: ऐंठन


Nausea –

English meaning: a feeling of sickness that eventually causes vomiting
Hindi meaning: जी मिचलाना


Chickenpox –

English meaning: A contagious rash that looks like red spots on your skin and is caused by the varicella-zoster virus.
Hindi meaning: छोटी माता


Rash –

English meaning: an area of our skin where kind of small red spots appears due to reaction of sth
Hindi meaning: खरोंच


Heart attack –

English meaning: a medical emergency in which the flow of our blood to the heart gets blocked
Hindi meaning: दिल का दौरा


Diabetes –

English meaning: a group of diseases that occur because of having high blood sugar in our body
Hindi meaning: मधुमेह


Allergy –

English meaning: overreaction by the body when we touch, eat or breath something
Hindi meaning: एलर्जी


Eczema –

English meaning: a skin disease which makes your skin red and makes you scratch it again and again
Hindi meaning: खुजली


Faint –

English meaning: to lose consciousness
Hindi meaning: बेहोश


Stomach –

English meaning: The front part of one’s body above your legs and below your chest
Hindi meaning: पेट


Vomit –

English meaning: to disgorge stomach contents through your mouth
Hindi meaning: उल्टी करना


Epilepsy –

English meaning: a brain disease that makes you unconscious
Hindi meaning: मिरगी


Diarrhoea –

English meaning: a disease which causes a change in turning the solid waste material of the stomach into liquid before it goes out
Hindi meaning: दस्त


Prescription –

English meaning: a piece of paper written by a doctor which helps you have medicine from the pharmacy
Hindi meaning: नुस्खा


Appointment –

English meaning: a particular time that you arrange to meet someone
Hindi meaning:


Inoculation –

English meaning: immunization
Hindi meaning: टीकाकरण


Sprain –

English meaning: injury to a ligament of your ankle or wrist or any other joint by suddenly bending or turning it.
Hindi meaning: मोच


Sunburn –

English meaning: redness of your skin that is caused by sun rays
Hindi meaning: धूप की कालिमा


Sling –

English meaning: A bandage that has to be worn to support the weight of an injured upper extremity.
Hindi meaning:


Bruise –

English meaning: an injury that appears on the skin in blue colour
Hindi meaning: चोट


Splinter –

English meaning: a small, thin, and sharp piece of wood glass, metal, or any similar material that has broken off a larger piece.
Hindi meaning: खमाची


Bite –

English meaning: an injury that is caused due to an insect or an animal’s mouth and teeth
Hindi meaning: काट


Sting –

English meaning: a small sharp-pointed organ of an insect that is used to prick your skin and inject its poison into it.
Hindi meaning: डंक


Haemorrhage –

English meaning: a lot of bleeding inside your body
Hindi meaning: रक्तस्त्राव


Blister –

English meaning:
Hindi meaning: छाला


Wound –

English meaning: an injury
Hindi meaning: घाव


First aid box/kit –

English meaning: a box full of medical types of equipment that are used to provide medical supply in an emergency
Hindi meaning: प्राथमिक चिकित्सा बॉक्स


Dressing –


English meaning: a covering that is used to cover your wound to protect it
Hindi meaning: मरहम-पट्टी


Painkillers –

English meaning: a drug or medicine that is used to relieving pain
Hindi meaning: दर्दनाशक


Resuscitation –

English meaning: an act of reviving a person who seems to be dead or is unconscious
Hindi meaning: पुनर्जीवन


Shock –

English meaning: the feeling that you get when you hear bad news from somebody
Hindi meaning: सदमा


Unconscious –

English meaning: a kind of state similar to sleep but it happens due to an injury or accident
Hindi meaning: अचेत


Pulse –

English meaning: the beat of your heart that can be felt by touching your wrist or neck
Hindi meaning: नाड़ी


Choke –

English meaning: to not be able to breathe because the air is not getting into your lungs.
Hindi meaning: दम घुटना


Antiseptic –

English meaning: a kind of substance that help to prevent infections
Hindi meaning: सड़न रोकनेवाली दबा


Adhesive –

English meaning: a substance that is able to stick fast to a surface
Hindi meaning: चिपकानेवाला पदार्थ


Maternity ward –

English meaning: a part of a hospital that is allocated to women during the pregnancy and childbirth
Hindi meaning: प्रसूति वार्ड


Dentist –

English meaning: a person that takes care of your teeth
Hindi meaning: दंत चिकित्सक


Gum –

English meaning: either of your front part of your mouth that holds your teeth
Hindi meaning: मसूड़ा


Toothache –

English meaning: a pain in your tooth or teeth
Hindi meaning: दांत दर्द


Decay –

English meaning: a bacterial infection
Hindi meaning: सड़न


Extraction –

English meaning: the act of removing something such as your teeth
Hindi meaning: निष्कासन


Floss –

English meaning: a soft thread that is used to clean your teeth
Hindi meaning: दाँत साफ करने का धागा


Brace –

English meaning: a metal that a doctor uses to straighten a child’s teeth
Hindi meaning: सिकोड़ना


Eyebrow –

English meaning: the thin line of hair that is above your ey
Hindi meaning:भौं


Eyelid –

English meaning: the fold of skin that can move to cover your eye and protects it.
Hindi meaning: पलक


Eyelash –

English meaning: the hair that grows on the edges of your eylids
Hindi meaning: बरौनी


Long sight –

English meaning: the inability to see those things which are relatively far from your eyes.
Hindi meaning: लंबी दृष्टि


Short sight –

English meaning: the inability to see those things which are relatively close to your eyes.
Hindi meaning: निकट दृष्टि


Cataract –

English meaning: a white area of one’s eye that start growing over the time as a disease
Hindi meaning: मोतियाबिंद


Uterus –

English meaning: an organ where a baby develops before it is born
Hindi meaning: गर्भाशय


Foetus –

English meaning: an unborn baby that is still developing in its mother’s body
Hindi meaning: भ्रूण



English meaning: the process of becoming pregnanat
Hindi meaning: गर्भवती होने की प्रक्रिया


Expectant –

English meaning: a woman who is pregnant
Hindi meaning: गर्भवती होने की प्रक्रिया


Antenatal –

English meaning: the medical care of a woman who is expectiong a baby
Hindi meaning: उत्पत्ति के पूर्व का


Womb –

English meaning: the uterus
Hindi meaning: कोख


Embryo –

English meaning: the early stage of a baby’s development .. an embryo becomes fetus after 8 weeks of pregnancy
Hindi meaning: भ्रूण


Contraction –

English meaning: the tightening, shortening, and lengthening of a muscle
Hindi meaning: सिकुड़न


Dilation –

English meaning: the act of being larger or wider
Hindi meaning: फैलाव


Caesarean –

English meaning: C- section, it’s an operation to deliver a baby through a cut that is made in the womb and tummy
Hindi meaning: कट मारकर बच्चे को जन्म देने का एक ऑपरेशन है


Delivery –

English meaning: childbirth, labour
Hindi meaning: प्रसव


Miscarriage –

English meaning: the spontaneous loss of pregnancy where the fetus is dead
Hindi meaning: गर्भपात


Gynaecologist –

English meaning: women’s doctor
Hindi meaning: प्रसूतिशास्री


Obstetrician –

English meaning: a doctor who deals with all aspects of pregnancy
Hindi meaning: दाई


Childbirth –

English meaning: an act of giving birth to a child
Hindi meaning: प्रसव


Midwife –

English meaning: a woman who is skilled to assist a pregnant lady to give birth to a baby
Hindi meaning: दाई


Breastfeed –

English meaning: to feed a baby with milk from its mother by her breast
Hindi meaning: स्तनपान


Alternative –

English meaning: a choice between two things
Hindi meaning: विकल्प


Massage –

English meaning: a way of feeling relaxed in which pressure is applied to the skin
Hindi meaning: मालिश


Meditation –

English meaning: a state of deep thinking
Hindi meaning: ध्यान


Councellor –

English meaning: a person who helps dealing with personal problems
Hindi meaning: परामर्शदाता


Harbalism –

English meaning: an ancient study of treating illness where herbs are used to treat it
Hindi meaning: बीमारी के इलाज का एक प्राचीन अध्ययन


Therapist –

English meaning: a person who helps you to deal with your diseases, injuries, and disorders
Hindi meaning: चिकित्सक


Thank you for reading!

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Words To Describe Your Personality In English And Hindi

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